Save Sparrow innocent bird
Rajasthan Samgrah Kalyan Sansthan is installing eco friendly bird nests at different places for the conservation and breeding of sparror - "the innocent bird" which is going to be extinct rapidly and proper arrangements are made for seed and water for saparrow. Public awareness program is being organised under saprrow conservation project.
Demand of Project
According to bird specialists, there is a reduction in the population of sparrow from 60% to 80%. The micro-waves of mobile phones, satellite towers, chemical pestisides in wheat have become a danger of the existence of sparrow. The species of sparrow are going to be extinct gradually. "Royal society of protection of bird", Britain has listed sparrow in "red list" on the basis of the research of the researchers in various parts of the world including India.
The main objective of the project is to install 2500 eco friendly bird nests for the species of sparrow which is going to be extinct for its proper conservation and to arrange seed and water properly for sparrow.
Long Term effects
The installation of eco friendly bird nests at different houses, shops, four-ways, public places and trees will help sparrow to build their nests easily and lay their eggs which will be safe by its enemy. The awareness programs will inspire public to save sparrow and the noble work of conservation of the innocent bird- sparrow will be possible.