Empowering poor women with sustainable livelihood
The project is an effective initiative in the direction of economic empowerment of poor, landless, BPL, marginalized women. Rajasthan Samgrah Kalyan Sansthan, with the support of Global Giving Foundation, has successfully organising the project in the rural area of Pisangan, Ajmer. Under the project, a significant effort is being taken to provide better livelihood to poor women by associating them with agricultural and non-agricultural activities. Poor deprived women are being associated with women self help groups and with the support of banks, loans are sanctioned for their self-employment which gets them better livelihood and builds up their confidence. Thus, deprived women are becoming empowered.
Demand of project
Rural people in Ajmer district of Rajasthan are uneducated, socially and economically weaker section and dropout from the school. This kind of rural people is mostly depending upon her husband or father for their needs. The poor and rural people included farmers dropout women's girls artisans communities forcible migrating to different places (Like sex trade, construction workers, daily wages etc.). Agriculture is also zero due to decreased water level.
To develop skill for improving their social life
To reduce poverty through handicraft skill
To provide livelihood promotion and social inclusion services to the poor and low income in rural and slum
urban area with innovative solutions.
To develop leadership and confidence in rural community.
To ensure the employment security and income generation in local sources
Provide earthworm to poor women farmer
Establishment of Self help Group
Credit linkage to women self help group for economic activity
Provide sewing machine
Goat husbandry, livestock and vermi compost training to women self help group
Establishment of vermi compost pit
To Provide vocational Tailoring training to women self help group
Potential Long Term Impact
Income generating sources was achieved at the local level.
Above 500 Women Beneficiaries was trained and assisted in placement with the micro and relevant industry.
The social cause of the project is to improve the quality of life among the beneficiaries was addressed properly and they were made aware in day to day life.
Youth & dropout was mobilized in a proper manner so that they were training in the respected trades.
The employment and retention of the trainee was ensured.
As a result of this training skills was improved of rural women and girls.
The economic and social level was upgraded.
Self confidence was build up of them and economic development also were done though training.