Women Right & Legal Awareness Camp
The organization here is focussing on the most underprivileged youth residing in urban slums, surviving on meagre of resources and constantly seeking out a purpose for their life. RSKS has the past record of working with the youth for their development and inclusive growth and in continuation of that only it proposes to obtain the resources for the Women right and legal awareness camp, which has the potential of integrating the values of a good and productive citizen in youth, motivating them to lead a normal life by providing them a platform to develop and showcase their skills.
To spread message among the masses about the rights of women and their role in nation building.”
The objective of this programme is to make the women know of their rights and laws enabling them fight for their rights and requirements. Women constitute the very backbone of the family. Women have to play multiple roles: a mother, a wife and a host of other roles simultaneously.
Every family is dependent on the woman, who is the lady of the house. Children look up to their mother for guidance on social, cultural, educational and religious values.
The husband depends on the woman for every aspect of the family life. Empowering women will lead to a well-balanced family structure, which is vital for proper growth of the society.
To impart practical knowledge about the basic legal rights and remedies provided under various women related laws, thereby making them fit to face the challenges in real life situations.
To make the women aware of the various machineries/organs of the Justice delivery system available for redressed of their problems/grievances.
The procedure of approaching and utilizing various channels available for the redressal of grievances i.e. the Police, the Executive and the Judiciary.
The role of Courts in achieving gender equality, most importantly the concept of public interest litigation.
The role of District Legal Service Authority, Free Legal Aid and Lok Adalats.
To sensitize Women and Girls about their Rights as provided
Under the various laws including the Indian Penal Code, 1860; the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961; the Prevention of Domestic Violence to Women Act, 2005 etc.
The developed sense of responsibility and volunteerism amongst the client group which will lead to partial reduction in petty crimes, drug abuse and family violence in the area
Mainstreaming of the youth group members in the community
Vocationally trained, skilled and motivated youth group. Having ample motivation and knowledge for self-employment and entrepreneurship
Capacity building of the youth group